Where Did Foundation Come From?
Have you ever wondered where foundation came from? Who came up with the idea of putting something “skin-color” on our skin, and why?
Well, it wasn’t always “skin-color,” and it may go back a lot farther than you think…
We know (thanks to archaeologists) that the Ancient Egyptians were the first to wear “makeup.” By utilizing earthly resources such as kohl and malachite, the ancient Egyptians considered makeup to be a very important part of their spiritual lives and traditions. Both men and women wore makeup (primarily eye makeup) and were often buried with their treasured containers that held their beloved pots and jars of makeup.

(Note to family: Although I am obsessive about cosmetics… I would prefer not to be buried with my Caboodles of foundation and mascara…)

It’s thought that the ancient Egyptians wore some type of covering on their skin and face to protect them from long days laboring in the sun. But when did wearing something on your face to enhance ones complexion, strictly for the purpose of beauty first start?
Well, that would take us to Ancient Greece!

Watch, “The History of Foundation,” Part 1, that covers foundation use from the Ancient Greeks, all the way to the 1500’s A.D. where we learn about “the most famous foundation wearer of all time.” (Hint: her daddy had lots of wives, and not all of them kept their heads…)

Then stayed tuned for The History of Foundation Part 2, (which will be out soon) where we discuss the evolution of 20th Century foundations that look more like what we’re used to wearing today.
Happy Watching!