Welcome to Foundation Lady

Hello, and Welcome to Foundation Lady!

A Letter to Warmly Welcome You to the Foundation Lady Family:

Jenny, aka “Foundation Lady taking test photos of a new foundation, to show readers how it looks in different types of light.

What is “Foundation Lady” you ask?

Well, it’s a blog that is ALL about foundation, and ONLY about foundation! Don’t get me wrong, I love all types of makeup, but especially foundation. I love to try it, swatch it, talk about, read about it, and research it… and I’d love to share my findings with you.

Who is this blog for?

Anyone and everyone who wants to know about foundation. Whether you are a long-time foundation-fan like I am, or you’re curious about trying your first bottle, I hope to be your go-to for advice, reviews, pictures, swatches, and any other information that will help you make a wise choice on what foundation is best for you (before you go spending your hard-earned money, of course!)

How did the name,”Foundation Lady” come about?

When my hubby and I were brainstorming about what to name the blog and YouTube channel, we knew that we wanted it to be something simple and easy to remember. Along with that, I’m just kind of known among family and friends as the go-to lady for random foundation questions and advice (because they know I’ve bought and tried so much of it!)

 For years, friends and family have put my “random foundation knowledge” to the test. (Asking my advice on what to wear to certain events… what won’t sweat off in the summer heat…what new foundation is the best, etc.)  And it’s always so pleasing to help someone you care about, especially when it’s a topic you’re so passionate about!

 So when it came to naming the blog… “Foundation Lady” just seemed to be the perfect fit!

Explain your tag line, “All Foundation…No Filters.”

Simple. I promise I will never use any type of filters on any of my Foundation Lady pictures or videos whether they be on this blog, my YouTube Page, or any social media sites.  I feel that it’s only fair to be 100% transparent with you, when reviewing foundations.

I have no judgement whatsoever for those who use filters, as I feel it can be an incredible tool and really fun way to be creative!  But when it comes to reviewing a product you may be considering purchasing, I want you to be able to trust that you’re seeing what it looks like on skin…real skin… real FLAWED skin (wink!)

Jenny, aka “Foundation Lady” in a Foundation free, filter free picture

Are you nervous to give a product a bad review?

I’m a positive person by nature, so do I relish the idea of giving a bad review? No. Will I do it anyway if I feel it’s warranted. Yes. 

I want you to be able to trust my reviews, and how can you do that if I’m not willing to be 100% honest with you?

With that said, I want to offer you an example….

I just tried out a “whipped-mousse type” foundation. When I was in my late 20’s… early 30’s those type of foundations made my skin look FLAWLESS, and I couldn’t get enough of them. Now that I’m a little older? Well, that type of foundation just doesn’t sit on my skin the same way anymore, and I’m unable to pull it off. Does that mean it’s now a “bad” foundation? Absolutely not. It just means that it’s not good for me at this stage in my life. And because Foundation Lady is all about helping you find your best foundation, you may notice in the review that I still give it an A+ rating for the appropriate type of skin.

That will always be my goal when reviewing a foundation. If I try a foundation that I feel is wholly and truly bad, I will not hold back. But if the foundation is just bad for me, and my skintype, I’ll tell you that also. Because no two complexions are alike, and if I can help someone find their “Holy Grail” foundation, who has a different skin type or set of foundation requirements than I do, than all the better!

So you’ve had a lot of personal experience with foundation, have you had any professional experience in the field of makeup?

Along with my own daily research and experimentation with foundation and makeup, I was also fortunate to study stage makeup in college. I remember going into it thinking it was going to be all fun and fantasy but was (eventually) grateful when I realized the first two months were strictly going to be about technique, blending and contouring! We spent the first weeks simply learning about foreheads! How to make them look bigger or smaller, more prominent, or less, and then eventually moving on to chins, jawlines, cheeks, noses, and eyes (before eventually moving on to the “fun” stuff.) What an education it was! And how thankful I am (now) to my professor for his impossibly high standards! 

Along with formal education, I also worked for a time as an associate and counter-manager for a major cosmetics brand which allowed me to happily sample, color swatch, and practice matching foundation formulas and shades to all different skin types.

And finally, I’ve been fortunate enough to work on the occasional makeup project for theatrical productions, ballets, short films, along with applying makeup to actors for headshots, and brides-to-be for their wedding day.

Is Foundation Lady also on YouTube?

Yes! If you’re someone who likes to see the product in action, hop on over to YouTube where you can find me under the name: Foundation Lady. I film both foundation reviews and demos, along with other fun videos in the works… and some possible giveaways too! I’d love for you to become a part of both the Foundation Lady YouTube, and Blogging Community, and while you’re at it, feel free to look me up on Facebook where you can find me under the name: (dramatic pause) Foundation Lady. My goal for Foundation Lady is to create a community where we can chat about foundation, ask each other advice, and share our experiences with specific foundations. I wholeheartedly welcome your comments and look forward to the discussions we will have together.

Warmest Wishes,

Jenny, aka “Foundation Lady”

I look forward to hearing from you! Have you tried out any new foundations lately? Which foundation are you interested in having me review? Post in the comments below, and please remember to subscribe!